Paul Riser

Paul Riser is an American trombonist and Motown musical arranger who was responsible for cowriting and arranging dozens of top ten hit records. His legacy as one of the Funk Brothers is similar to that of most of the other Brothers, as his career has been overlooked and overshadowed by the stars of Motown that became household names. Some of the Funk Brothers he worked with include Earl Van Dyke, Johnny Griffith, Robert White, Eddie Willis, Joe Messina, Dennis Coffey, Wah Wah Watson, James Jamerson, Bob Babbitt, Eddie Watkins, Richard Pistol Allen, Uriel Jones, Andrew Smith, Jack Ashford, Valerie Simpson, Eddie Bongo Brown, Benny Benjamin, Cornelius Grant, Joe Hunter, Richard Popcorn Wylie, Marcus Belgrave and Teddy Buckner.


Source: Wikipedia